- Home
- Departments
Our various Church departments are headed by a team of member-leaders who provide visionary leadership and are supported by the advisory guidance of a supervising Minister.
- The Good Women (GT-Women)
- The Glorious Men (GT-Men)
- Glorious Teens (GT-Teens)
- Children (GT-Children)
- Prayer (GT-Prayer Team)
- Follow up. (GT-Follow up Team)
- Hospitality & Welfare (GT-Hospitality & Welfare)
- Drama (GT-Drama)
- Choir (GT-Choir)
- Teaching (GT-Teaching Team)
- Sanctuary keepers & Decoration (GT-Sanctuary & Decoration Team)
- Sanitation (GT-Sanitation Team)
Ministerial Team – Our Ministerial team supports GLORY TABERNACLE’s leadership, vision and mission and ensures the smooth conduct of all church events. They offer spiritual, physical, and mental support and advisory guidance to the Workers.
Core Leadership – Our core leadership conveys the vision. and mission of GLORY TABERNACLE to the Ministerial team, the Workers, and the Volunteers. They develop and oversee the delivery of all church events through the setting up of teams, departments, processes, systems, and collaborative interactions that are necessary for delivering GLORY TABERNACLE’s objects. They do the day-to-day administration of the church affairs and provide direction for the ministerial team and workers to fulfil their roles, ministry, calling and service to the Lord.
Workers – Our workers are the Church anchors. We are proud they serve committedly and dedicatedly. Please join us and become a worker, and member of the Delivery Team, actively labouring in God’s vineyard in GLORY TABERNACLE to deliver all the church events.
Trustees – Our trustees carry out the oversight management and supervision of the church leadership to ensure compliance with all statutory and regulatory requirements that effectively empower the church to deliver its mandate, vision, mission and purpose.